Day 290 of 365 – Orangeville Townline Shoe Tree

While on my way back to Orangeville from Georgetown where I was showing houses to a wonderful family, I decided to take townline back to the office.  I’ve driven this road countless times but never have I seen the a Shoe Tree this close to Orangeville Ontario!  Really when I drove past this crazy looking Tree with shoes all over it!  I had to slam on the brakes and back up so I could prove to myself that I was not seeing things or loosing my mind..LOL

It reminded me of a “shoe tree” I’d blogged about back on day 179 of 365 in Mulmur. So, I got out and looked at it from all its vantage points, then decided to go in for a closer look. The shoes are not on just one tree but lots of trees.  It’s kind of like a tree forest.  I stood there for like 10 minutes thinking how on earth did I miss this for so many years.  Just looking at the Shoes I could tell it’s been years that people have been nailing their old shoes up.

I countered 184 pairs of shoes, boots, sandals and loafers.  I have a feeling that this sort of thing is become a worldwide phenomenon in its own right.  Some people like Jayde even signed their shoes made sure we knew when they where there!

After I got back to Orangeville I met Kevin who…Oh, wait that’s a different post…:)

After I got back to Orangeville I met someone in town that was telling me that the shoes had been taken down years ago but it’s been reclaimed by people dedicating their shoes to revive the “shoe tree” and it looks like it worked.

If you want to put up your old shoes and keep the trees alive then check out the Tree Forest on the south side of townline just past B line.

Categories: Family Fun

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2 replies

  1. Cool another shoe forest! This has been going on since I was a kid. there is another shoe tree/forest down in Claremont. Good hunting Dave!

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